Great Blasket Island
Visit the Historical Great Blasket Island, lying 3km off the Dingle Peninsula in West Kerry, Ireland. Leaving from the traditional departure point of Dún Chaoin (Dunquin), 15km west of Dingle (An Daingean), the Great Blasket Island is a short 20 min boat trip from the mainland.
More Info: www.blasketisland.com

Kilmalkedar Church
This Early Christian and later Medieval site is spread over a large area of around 10 acres. At the centre of this area is the 12th century Hiberno-Romanesque Church. Give yourself plenty of time if you are planning a visit as there are so many interesting antiquities here at Kilmalkedar.
More Info: www.megalithicireland.com/Kilmalkedar.htm

Gallarus Oratory
Gallarus Oratory was built between the seventh and eight century and is the best preserved early Christian church in Ireland. It represents the apogee of dry-stone corbelling, using techniques first developed by Neolithic tomb-makers
More Info: www.gallarusoratory.ie

Dingle Horse Riding
We organise everything: horses, facilities, and of course, adventurous rides through the magnificent Irish countryside. All you have to do is enjoy your time with us whilst experiencing the riding holiday of a lifetime!
More Info: www.dinglehorseriding.com

Folk Concerts St. James Church
At St. James’ Church, Main Street, Dingle, in a quiet setting with good acoustics, you can hear many musicians that play in the pub sessions. Performances are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
More Info: stjamesdingle.com/events/category/all/list

The Riasc Monastic Settlement or Reask Monastic Site (Mainistir Riaisc) on the Dingle Peninsula is home to the impressive ruins of a 6th-century monastery and important carved stone. The site is off the beaten track with a sign that's easy to miss, but perseverence is rewarded with an interesting and atmospheric site you can wander in peace.

Eask Tower
This is the shapely hill with the prominent tower on its summit which stands on the south side of Dingle Harbour. It can be reached by branching left from the Ventry Road at Ballymore, 4km west of Dingle. It is crowned with the 19th century's mariners beacon and a World War II look-out post.

Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium
Oceanworld Aquarium is situated in Dingle town in County Kerry and hosts Ireland's largest collection of Sharks. Experience this enchanting underwater world
More Info: www.dingle-oceanworld.ie

Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne
Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne is situated in the old schoolhouse in Baile an Fheirtéaraigh (built in 1875 - a monument in itself), 13km (8 miles) west of the fishing port of Dingle, at the west of the Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry, which is in the beautiful south-west of Ireland. If staying in Dingle for a few days, why not call in to see us?
More Info: www.westkerrymuseum.com